In this year~~ well.. there are some dark moments in my life.. during the early part of the year... but i managed to get through them and find back my focus... but i think the heaven treats me well too... let me enjoyed with my friends.. and met her... though... we 2 are not meant to be... but i feel so happy to have u company me.. i enjoyed myself tat day... this is the very first time.. tat spend my whole entire day.. just with u... there were sharing, laughter, joy, happiness and openness when i with you... I really dunno what might happen next... but.. i really appreciate the way we are now... is enough for me... but i really hope... one fine day.. she will open her heart and feel me... and hope it may not be too late..
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Posted by
1:07 AM
Saturday, December 26, 2009
merry christmas
My little dream fulfilled today.. though everything is so simple and ordinary.. but it was enough.. =)
Posted by
12:03 AM
Friday, December 18, 2009
Eric jus came back to Singapore.. has been in Australia for almost a year ba .. suddenly becos of his return, our old friend start to gather and has lots of fun together... this kind of happiness is not everyone would have it.. so I really appreciate ... the bonding of between us is just so amazing... I hope the rest of the few weeks.. we can have more memories before eric go back to Australia.. Time is precious... and we should fill them up with happniess .. =)
Posted by
11:51 PM
Saturday, December 05, 2009
do it right! with belief!
Do it like a man.. with your conscience clear... with your heart to do it right and do it good! No other shitty ways to achieve your task but your hard work with sincerity and passion!
Posted by
3:04 AM
Anyway, i am feeling happy.. cos my hard work really pays off.. Got an High Dist for accounting! Dist for Economics and a credit for marketing. But marketing i feel disappointed. I hope to get Dist too.. I really work very hard for tat past few months.. And thanks to jin jing and jia yu and jimmy and those who have helped me... xie xie..=)
Posted by
2:44 AM
Thursday, December 03, 2009
million pieces..
Every time near the year end.. it should be a very happy season... i often get upset... Why am i always so sad.. dun i deserve to be happy?
Posted by
2:35 AM
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
hurt one more time..
I dunno what to do? i really dunno... I only know.. i want her to be happy and when she need help or anything.. she would call me..
Posted by
2:25 AM
Saturday, November 28, 2009
you are beautiful ost
I heard this korean song from this drama.. You are beautiful
Posted by
3:12 AM
Sunday, November 22, 2009
fallen soul
i knew it.. i already knew it.. but i am so stubborn..
Posted by
4:08 AM
Thursday, November 19, 2009
think too much again!
I really dunno what to do... what should i do.. what am i doing.. and what the hell am i doing?
Posted by
2:05 AM
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Dunno why i am so demoralized .. feeling so sux ...
Posted by
2:03 AM
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Feeling was strong..
The feeling was so damn strong... till i do such a silly thing for her.. but luckily she didn't know.. now i understand your inner self will outshine everything.. i really truly understand now.. LOL ! Haha!
Posted by
2:34 AM
Saturday, November 07, 2009
yesterday went to meet up with Rachel.. knowing that she is still doing good.. i am happy for her... hahaha.. she didn't eat.. see me eat onli.. say wanna jian fei.. typical women dialog.. LOL.. anyway.. forgotten her bday.. i am so bad ...LOL..pls pardon me.. i was too obsessed with marketing, accounting and macroeconomics....during that period.. i tink she really feel very sad tat i forgetten her bday.. hahaha.. LOL..
Posted by
1:19 AM
Thursday, November 05, 2009
nice and meaning ful song..
Heard karen sang this song yesterday.. very nice and touching... feel like sharing with u guys..
Posted by
2:06 PM
stir emotion suddenly..
Yesterday jus finish the Econs paper... the last paper.. finally... this past few weeks.. i have been working really hard.. to do my best in the exam... Though it was realy tiring.. but i think.. is worth it.. cos i know i have tried my very best, no matter what is the result.. i have no regrets..
Posted by
1:41 AM
Thursday, October 29, 2009
One down!!
Today have my marketing paper... was quite ok.. not that bad.. but i scribble any how.. write till i also dunno what i writing.. no structure at all... but luckily some of the terms i still remember.. hopefully.. my marketing result will be ok!! going to start to revise my acct le.. but before that.. wanna share a song with u all.. old and nice song which is sing by fang da tong!! Below are the lyrics..
If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young
And we both know they'll take us
Where we want to go
(Chorus 1)
Hold me now
Touch me now
I don't want to live without you
(Chorus 2)
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
(Chorus 3)
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
If the road ahead is not so easy,
Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too`
Dedicated for those lovely couples.. =)
enjoy.. gonna chiong le!
Posted by
9:53 PM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
gloomy saturday..
22nd and 23rd there are 4 ppl birthday!! My sister and jody on the 22nd of oct Guo xian and bing jie on the 23rd of oct... Happy birthday to all of u all.. haha..
studying is so tiring... especially exam time.. haix.. but jus have to bear with it man.. actually come in also dunno what to write..jus feel damn bored..
oh ya.. recently.. heard a true story from some where... is about a couple.. mmm.. When this couple is breaking up, because the guy was very "hua xin", has been flirting with lots of ladies while being with her.. and in the end he fell in love with other person..
When this couple was together.. this girl loves raining.. she will go to the rain and being drenced by the rain.. The guy often will ask her.. why u do not wan me to drenched with you under the rain at the time when they are together? She will often jus smile at him and do not want to tell him the answer.
When they are breaking up on this particular day, the guy asked her.. sorry about what i have done, but i hope we still friends.. and the guy wanted to clarify his doubts wih her, and he asked "Why you everytime like to go into the rain and being drenched and do not wan me to acc u in the rain"
The gal answered sadly "When the time i being with u, i know u are jus like the wind.. u will leave me any moment for another gal.. I was prepared.but often.. i am sad and will tear about the fact... I like to go into the rain myself is because i do not want u to know that i am crying"
When finally he realised everything... his heart sinks... but what happen next i not sure...
HAHA.. this is a true story from someone....jus share share abit.. i was kind of pity for her.. when i heard that actually she was hiding from her bf that she is crying.. by choosing to to the rain..
But anyway, hope she had a good ending... but anyway.. sometimes reality is just so cruel.. we just have to face it.. ok thats all.. got to get back with my work le.. wat a gloomy saturday for me..
Posted by
12:12 PM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
fighting with time...
Has been mugging like poly times... but there are some differencs.. now without my clever jimmy... funny bing jie... annoying jing jing.... and attitude michelle.....
Those stuff that i not sure got to do reasearch myself.. no one to ask.. now study till bored got no more jokes and chat.... haiz.. suddenly miss poly times.. hahaa
tiring day.. everytime energetic angel zhi bin need to fight with the sleepy devil zhi bin... really tired man... see those book.. omg... is like~~~sianz lo.. but bo bian.. determination!!! muz go on!
can't wait for holidays to come.. wanna have a good rest and great fun!!! DO NOT STOP ME!! LOL... After which .. let me become a DEVIL!!! LOL
i tink i too stress le ba.. spouting nonsence here and there... yup just come in and tok rubbish abit.. gonna goes off le.. slp liao... nights....
Posted by
2:20 AM
Monday, October 12, 2009
monday bluesss~~
Few days ago.. went out with her to catch a movie..a cartoon call something something meatball de.. for get le.. haha.. it was a funny show... haha.. hope she enjoys it.. haha.. She say tt tat was her second cartoon she ever watch in a cinema... hehe..
time is running out soon and there are chapters of acct and econ, i have not finish study.. sianz.. Feeling so lost and helpless at times.. jus bo bian.. can only depend on myself to figure out... In uni is so hard to approach teacher to ask questions... everything is urself research.. is all abt discipline.. and willingness... terrible.. sianzation ar... During my sec and poly life.. teachers and lecturers are always ready for us to ask and approach.. but now.. äll ask through email la.. if not can't la.. sianz la.. -______-"""
Seems like things can't work out... i jus couldn't be myself when with her...there isn't any chem.. though she seems so perfect... I jus hope we can be good friends ba.. =)... anyway.. gonna focus on exam le... i start to panic liao!
Posted by
1:56 PM
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Back~~~ =)
Hello... so sorry.. hahaha.. its been so so so long tat i updated the blog.. today suddenly feel like update it.. haha..
Posted by
10:01 PM
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Tai wan tml..
Yup time pass damn fast...Before we went to NS we were planing about taiwan trip.. and 2 years have passed.. tml is our trip.. i am so excited.. Really hope that everything will run smoothly... everybody will enjoy ba... =)
Just now while pacing up my room, i found my sec 4 graduate cd, i was kind of shock... cos i didn't rem i got that cd.. haha.. Then i play the cd.. oh my goodness.. It was videos of us when we are sec1... my face like one blur sotong la.. everyone is so cute... i found that all of us have change tremendously... some .. i almost cant rem them.. wow.. is been 9 years ever since i graduate from there.. going to 10 years le... But things have shown.. though our appearances have changed some how... but our friendship kuan ta, meng kiat, wei xiang, guo xian, wee hon, and hwee khiam and eric.. have never changed at all... finally we have our very own trip... things and surrounding have changed..our feelings haven't changed at all... i can't imagine... we all play basketball in our thirties and fourties.. and maybe 60s... HAHHA.. i hope we will jus continue to play..
I realise something... nthing is forever.. only ur parents and buddies love for u is forever...Some will be lucky.. if they meet the right one.. then u will have additional.. hehe....
Posted by
11:31 PM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
getting restless...
I am really getting bored and very bo liao.. every day work.. till late night.. so no life.... hope school can faster reopen.. 3rd august...
At work.. I wanted to try my best to hit the sales figure... but seems like i am the only one that is interested... my full - timer colleague.. dun even care.. wat the helll... i am just a part timer.. i try my best to bring up the sales figure.. u slacking there.. never come to work.. also never tell me.. everything throw to me.. Expect me like superman izzit... please la.. other outlets de full timer so chiong.. why my outlet de like dun even care or bother like tat.., i feel my burden and responisbility is so heavy.. till i can't breathe at times.. cos i promise my boss to do my best for this brand fair.. but the full timer dun even want to coorperate and some more i need to cover for him when the boss check his attendance... why so shit!! u take money .. i also take money ma.. Why u jus can't have a sense of responsibility..want succeed... pls work hard lei!!! sian ar...
ANdy... you are so stupid.. why are u so so stupid.. why u want to give ur everything watever u do... in the end.. if failure... the one most hurt and sad is u... can u stop giving ur 100 percent when u are doing things.. wat ever izzit!! Stop being so emotional.. pointless.... only u feel the hurt.. nobody else.. but u.. ..
sorry... suddenly.. feel like scolding myself.. dun think i am crazy or wat la.. i am ok.. jus want to scold myself... haha... okok.. wan an.. byee...
looking forward to go taiwan.. next sunday!!
Posted by
12:47 AM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
"FRUITFUL DAY!!" -___-""
ITs been a tieing weekdays.. i have been working very hard for my wrk recently.. because i trying my very best to hit the target given.. Everytime.. when i reach home.. i feel so weak la.. shag..haha.. long time never chiong le ba.. i tink.. But nvm.. yesterday went out with jing jing to shop shop.. haha.. goodness.. go shopping with her is so dangerous la.. spend quite a lot of money la.. this nice la... tat one nice la.. in the end.. those she say look good on me de.. i god!! spend too much le.. But never mind.. i also got sabo her.. keep saying.. this is nice.. tat one nice on her oso.. in the end she oso spend alot of money.. hahaha.. shopping king and queen! Feel so funny la.. go out qith her... We 2 like uncle and auntie.. buy food and eat at staircase.. my goodnes.. pathetic.. but the feeling is nice la.. like picnic.. haha.. The most stupid thing is we 2 bought ourself a bag.. then in the end..we opened up and use it... we put those clothes tat we bought inside the bag.. instead of carrying the plastic bags.. haha.. supposely to be a new bag fr our sch reopen.. but so fast open and use liao.. haha.., fun tat and eat!..below is we 2 took a pic after eat!! hahaha! Anyway!! transformers is showing soon!! i can't wait to watch!!
Posted by
11:44 PM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
jus finish watching tai wan dramas ~~ very touching.... but was thinking if every person story has a happy ending.. how good it will be.. This drama is to do with love kind of things.. yup.. and haf a happy ending.. yup.. is good.. i understand.. but i was thinking.. in reality it isn't.. this show is just telling us to be optismistic ba~~ But i really hope i will have a simple and happy ending for my love life... haha.. i know is long way to go.. to tak abt all these things.. as i still haf tons of things haven accomplished..
A stupid guy... =)
Posted by
1:38 AM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Today finally took back my I/C, my gosh.. 2 years has jus passed like tat.. can't imagine tat time really flies..when i received it.. i feel so different.. feel even heavier than before.. i feel tat i have become old is coming soon.. then need to work hard for my careers like clearing the life stages stage by stage.. Hope tat everything will be successful!
My heart feel so heavy when i leaving my camp today.. is like i going to miss my superiors cos they are the one that go through with us through those days... suddenly feel tat..friends around u.. is so impt.. cos when we people.. come to a certain stage of life.. friends and u just have to part.. can only hold on to the memories... What we can only do is cherish them when they are by our side..
Sometimes.... i thought i should take up the courage and try it....but.. seems like things can't work out.. I dunno how, when, why, where and what is gonna the future.. i jus sick and tired of being ***** Some times i doubt myself.... am i the one...or what?? Sorry if u all dun understand this paragraph.. but i just want to vent it out by writing.. is ok..
ANyway~~~recently.. went to botanic gardens to have picnics.. was really fun!! will upload pics next blogging..
I am really tired from works... recently...mental stress.. and so on...haven't have a good rest.. Sometimes I really need a warm and sweet hug.. really need it.. cos sometimes.. i tot i am gonna fall... maybe is jus tat i give myself too high of expectations~~
I just a simple and ordinary guy....=(
Posted by
1:26 AM
Saturday, June 06, 2009
nothing to do~~
Recently has been working very hard.. very tired.. jus hope to get more money.. cos i going to haf a big spending.. lots of money is spending.. below are some pics.. with my sis and myself.. haha.. no mood to talk le.. tired!
When are u appearing?
Posted by
11:59 PM
Monday, June 01, 2009
Just come back from msia.. went there to eat shop and blah... hahaha.. wll post some pics tml or the following days.. during msia trip... Anyway.. recently was really very happy.. cos i got my confirmation letter in RMIT uni at SIM le.. 3rd aug go sch lor!! haha.. going to step ibto sch life again... again.. i feeling very excited.. need to prepare myself for it le.. cos long time didnt touch books le... Went to double o yesterday night... It was real fun... Its been a long time since i play till so crazy.. Dance like one dancing machine.. and i was so high... so happy.. keep jumping at the dance floor with my friends.. hahaha... The feeling was beyond "GODLIKE!!" A wonderful night for me yesterday!
Mmmm...regarding the previous post... I tink tat time i freak emo shit... is like sorry la.. i tink i am really pessismistic guy to max at times.. I hold the memories of it... just comes at the wrong time...wrong age..and many many wrongs... But just that when u are really in love u heck everything..u lost ur logic and everything... and the only thing u choose is to believe... u agree? hahaah...
hope we all met the right one.... and oso enjoy our life till the fullest.. happily each and everyday.. haf a wonderful night.. wan an.. byeeeee... =) dancing wan sui! hahaa
Posted by
12:20 AM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
In this middle of the night.....
Anyway... its been a long time since i blog le... yup.. i already stand down from duties... no more duties for me... currently i am working le... waiting for my uni... suddenly i felt like i am a free man.. no more burden... no more ns.. no more shit work.. so happy.. but there are lots of memories in this camp... during this 1 year plus of staying in the camp...cos i encounter lots of things, happy things, sad things... and blah.. haha.. now waiting to get my i/c...
long time nv meet my friends le... went out with them recently... we played basketball.. like crazy... tired like a shit!!! but i love this feeling.. cos that is our passion... haha... Went to eat with jy qw and jo too.. here are some of the pics..
Posted by
4:11 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009
A happy week..
Is been a week that i blog.. haf been going out with friends to chill, work as usual, basketball training, camp... lots of thoughts haf been in my mind recentlyas there are lots of things happen recently.. are the happy ones.. haha =)
few of my friends recently have been attached.. their relationship have been thru lots of obstacles then in the end they get together... so happy for them.. envy.. hahaha.. all the best to them... =)
Recently watched a movie.. he jus not that into u.. mm... feel lots of emotion when the movie say the last sentence... sometimes the happy ending is being alone.. maybe is true.. becos.. u will find ur trueself again...
i am waitng patiently...
Posted by
9:16 PM
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
happy day...
Today i took an off day... cos i am too exhausted about everything.. wanna take a good rest.. haha.. everyday work, duty and so on.. very tiring..
Today went to watch movie with xiao yun... a jap show.. detriot metal city.. at eng wah cinema.. This is the first time in my life watching movie, the cinema got only me and her,which is only 2 person!! excluding the cleaner of course.. pathetic!!! May be watch too early le ba.. 11.10 am!! hahha.. The movie... erm.. ok ok la.. not tat bad.. but the main actress in the movie is omg pretty! Want to watch handsome suite when is launched on 9 th april!!!
After that she went to sch.. i go jp to buy present for my niece.. really dunno wat to buy!! Then i jus get a aeroplane model.. since he always like to look at the plane in the sky when fly..
Bought 2 cds.. andy lau and jacky cheong collection... only 2 for 15 dollars!!! inside all nice de love songs!!
Then went to clementi buddhist temple... Just suddenly feel like going there... is been a long time to go there... Recently.. have been feeling vexed..troubled..messy..tired..stress..low..sad.. is been a long time i that feel happy le.. just wanted some peace, focus and directions... so i went there.. there is only one old lady.. thats all.. no ppl at all.. i sat down there.. pray to the buddha.. quitely sat down there and close my eyes for half an hour...
Then went to gym!!!let out all my strength and frustration again.. Feels good.. hehe.. after wards went to queensway to collect our jersey!! haha.. quite nice.. haha.. Chat with him and have a cup of coffee.. haha.. were discussing about the tai wan trip!! We 2 like freaking excited la!! haha.. can't wait man!!
Tats it for my off day...simple, relax and meaningful ba.. going camp le.. byeeeee....!!
Posted by
8:35 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Went to friend bday party.. give him my blessing.. it was near Changi jetty.. the place that travels to ubin island..
Feeling very very low, tired, and sick.... whats wrong ? hate it.. i just wan to live everyday happily...
Is simple.. why so hard..
Posted by
1:18 AM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
sweet dreams..
Yesterday night.. have a very sweet dream... i dun wanna wake up... how i wish i will be in the dream forever.. haha.. its a secret.. but is a very happy one..i wanna share with u guys but i wish it will come true.. tats y dun wan to share .. haha..
Have a bruise leg today.. dunno how i get one.. sianz.. pain like shit...
gtg go camp le... hope i will go into the dream again..=) wan an..
Posted by
10:30 PM
Friday, March 20, 2009
Recently.. was very busy.. i try to go to any places that my friends call me to go, some more need to work.. gym.. this and that... kind of shag out...but the feeling was nice.. i jus knock off.. in minutes when i lie on the bed..
Oh ya.. promoted to corporal first class recently... haha.. good la.. money increase abit.. but more responsibilty.. but is nice to have this rank cos.. my platoon i am the only one to have it.. haha..
nothing much to say le.. hope everyone is enjoying their life.. recently keep looking for meaningful lyrics in the net.. and listen to the song.. is nice and peaceful.. it sings a person thoughts.. this song i want to share with u is zhen shi 真实 by zhang hui mei... meaning reality but couldn't find the song in imeem..
Somewhere at a particular place of my heart...
Posted by
7:31 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
fruitful day
Today went to SIM uni for the course briefing of the RMIT offer de marketing course...was raining heavily.. but still never stop me from going there.. cos i really want to know what izzit about and so on.. When reach there.. was the first few of them.. i went in to the lecture theatre to take a nap.. plug in my mp3 and really doze off for that 10 to 15 mins.. hahaha!!
When i wake up~~ to my surprise that the whole theatre is full of ladies!! guys are quite handful!! What the~~~ My left and right also ladies! Was quite surprise that so many female take this course... Hahaha.. still dunno yet.. when start of sch then we will know again.. When saw the video clip and motivations given by the lecturers.. was really excited and enthu to study my best to get the best result!! shall see again!!
After that went out with MK they all to queensway.. to find shops to buy our new jersey for our basketball team!is been quite some time that we make le.. In the end manage to find and they all vote me to design the logo!! my god... i dun wanna disappoint them.. jus try my best ba.. haha..
The flu has already with me for quite some time le.. shit.. cannot recover lei... very xin ku... irritating! sick ar!
going camp le.. the pathetic camp.. haha.. wan an.. friends.. =)
Posted by
11:06 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
bad bad~~
Went to IT fair.. wa lao.. SO many many people.. Haiz.. actually tot of buying a desktop in the end the particular model no more stock.. wth!! nvm.. i oso not in a rush.. wait and see then..met kuan the end we go home together.. and after tat go his house.. play games and watch soccer match.. manutd lost to liverpool.. my goodnes..hAIZ.. sway ar.. hope they can pick up themselves and strive forward and get all trophies!!
Is just like life... beautiful things never last.. sometimes happy.. sometimes bad.. sometimes disappointing.. sometimes touched.. ups and downs.. is depend on us how are we going pick ourselves up and deal with it bravely! is all in oursleves.. the mentality.. To face it.. and solve it.. overcome it.. We will then improve, become stronger.. better.. and happier.. This is the life of a human being..
gtg.. booking in to the camp le.. good nights.. life goes on.. =)
Below is the lyrics for jie tuo (解脱).. meaning let go, is the 2nd song in my playlist, is a very nice and healing song.. lets see how beautiful is the lyrics are..
Posted by
11:54 PM
dead beat
jus come back from friend bday party... the finale was drinking.. wa lao.. help my friend to ta han his alcohol.... cos he falling soon.. in the end i oso jia lat!! but still not tat bad.. cos i still can blog now.. haha.. tml will be a good day for me.. going out with jimmy's gal friends... and
IT fair..haha.. and watch MAN UNITED vs LIVERPOOL at 8.40 pm!!! swee swee!!!
wish my friend guan soon.. a very happy birthday.. hope he enjoy his day!! happy 21st year old.. all the best to him..
Shit tml still need to go for training.. dunno still can bo.. now like wan to die liao.. okie.. bye.. nights.. my friend.. may u all haf ur impossible wish in ur dreams..let it relish it in ur dreams first.. haha sweet sweet one!! wan an! =)
Posted by
2:44 AM
Friday, March 13, 2009
nice old song
here without u
A hundred days had made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lights had made me colder
And I don’t think I can look at this the same
But all the miles had separate
They disappeared now when I’m dreaming of your face
I’m here without you baby
but your still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I’m here without you baby
but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight it’s only you and me
The miles just keep rolling
as the people either way to say hello
I hear this life is overrated
but I hope it gets better as we go
I’m here without you baby
but your still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I’m here without you baby
but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl it’s only you and me
Everything I know, and anywhere I go
It gets hard but it won’t take away my love
And when the last one falls, when it’s all said and done
it get hard but it won’t take away my love
I’m here without you baby
but your still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I’m here without you baby
but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl it’s only you and me
Posted by
7:25 PM
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
sucky feeling..
I feel as if i have lost an important thing in my life..
It has lost and it will never be found back anymore..
I miss it..
I think about it..
nothing can describe my emotions...
我只能含着眼泪, 默默的离开...
Posted by
10:26 PM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
break down
Yesterday my body finally break down.. cough, sore throat, flu and slight fever... all comes together.. Some more today went to work.. shag to the max.. mind in a blank.. like computer hang..
haha.. I dunno y i still wanna go work also?
Tml still need to go for training to swim for 20 laps, my goodness! Though sick.. but still wan go train.. take my life better.. i wan to shag till i can't move!! till can't think of anything but sleep..
Going camp le .. tired~ hope recover soon..
All i want is u to be happy....nothing matters..
Posted by
10:25 PM
Monday, March 02, 2009
jus feel like blogging now~~
Actually i also dunno wat to write over here now.. jus wanna login and write something here.. before i go to camp.. sianz..
Mmm.. recently I am to free le.. Basically, i got nothing much in mind... till i worry and think of some stupid things.. haha.. tat one cannot tell.. haha.. Mmm.. recently trying to keep myself busy with workouts in gym.. carrying weighs... and seems like one week nv go le.. then suddenly i can carry the more heavy ones.. feel stronger le.. haha.. maybe one week i rested my muscles.. it heals a bit.. haha.. Likes the feeling in the gym.. when training.. i am using my maximum strength and limits.. some time when i doing the last set, when the tightness of the muscle isstretch to the limit.. I would even let out "Arghhh!!!!" roar!!! hahha.. the feeling is so nice.. is a kind of destress methods... whenever i feel stress, unhappy, sad, disappointed, happy or whatever... gym is my fav place for me.. I will let go my everything in there.. haha.. guys u shd go try try!!
Jus watch finish the channel 8 show... 9 pm de.. "dream catcher"... in the show That guy sato say "I have waited for u all the time, i dun mind to wait for u this time round.." The gal say "Why u so foolish? is not worth it!" The guy sato said "Even have to wait for u is bliss for me..Some ppl in their life also can't find a person that worth to wait for... but i did... so i feel bliss.. no matter what is ur decision.. as long as u can be happy with it... u will have my blessing.. and thats my love for u.." When i heard that... wow~~ i was thinking.. in the realistic world.. how many of them are like him?? Is so touching.. haha
Recently got too much time.. and haf think through alots of things... and feel like sharing with u guys.. Mmm.. start from where first lei??? ok love ba... recently oso heard alot from ppl around me.. thier love life and blah~~ I come to a concluszion... In love.. there is no point forcing.. it takes 2 hand to clap.. Sometime when u are so into it.. that u forget that u are actually being to stubborn unnoticingly.. though u know this is wrong.. is no logic.. but love makes u go against ur logic.. sometime.. is so powerful.. I found out that... if we really love this person.. is not just about giving your heart to him or her.. showing to him or her how sincere u are.. and how much u love him or not about u... is about her.. whether wat is her decision that she feels happy... If she made a decision.. and she will feel happy with it.. i believe.. If u really loves him or her.. do respect the decision...seeing ur love ones happy and seeing them smile is our everything.. nothing matters... love is so powerful..vulnerable.. touching.. and amazing.. those already haf thier love ones.. pls really cherish them with ur best.. cos sometimes.. love can be really vulnerable..
And i also wanna dedicate something for my mum, cos i tink she is the only women in the world that really loves, care and undestand me.. whenever i am down due to watever things.. no matter how worse is the thing.. she nv scold me.. she hug me.. and she will always say.."boy dun tear...mum is here.." hahaha...though feel like mummy boy but i love it at times.. cos is so heart warming..
Mmm.. hopefully i can get the confirmation letter of getting into uni soon.. Can't wait to proceed to sch life again.. i believe it will be very challenging.. fun and can get to know bunch new freinds again.. but dunno this time round i am lucky enough to get to know bunch of good freinds like my sec and poly freinds.. haha.. wish everybody good luck! haha
Going to camp soon.. wan an bye.. byee..
few pics below to show u all!! =) have dinner with my family!
Posted by
9:08 PM
Friday, February 27, 2009
back le..
Recently seems to be very very boring! Can say all my friends are busying with their uni exams! assignments! and ns work!! and blah! blah!! wa lao!! all cannot come out and meet.. miss them.. Maybe i am really too free le.. my ns life now is more relac than before.. jus haf to plan detailling for my men.. organise their work load for them.. then i can jus do my own things le.. can smell the ord dates le!!! haha!!
How i wish I am still in sec sch.. with mk they all.. or how i wish i am in poly.. with jimmy they all.. everyday stay together!! with mk they all.. everyday play basketball.. having the same passion and desire and dream! Miss the times so much! With my polymates was oso fun.. everytime stay together.. and in betweens lots of funny incidents happen!!! so funny!! study untill too sianz.. then do stupid and silly things.. u all know better... hahaha..
As times pass... we all walk separate ways.. but i know in our heart we are not apart! =)
Yesterday was a happy day for me.. long time le.. is been a long time to see the smile on ur face.. haha.. =)
below is a song by jay chou.. jus now hear le.. go and see the lyrics.. and find that the way they write the song is so cute and is simple.. and loving.. lets examine the lyrics! though old song le.. but still nice!
simple love~~~ haha.. enjoy!
Posted by
8:45 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Off to some where soon.. take care everyone.. =) will come back maybe in weeks time or maybe months..
Below is the pic that feed the baby boy.. one one month old.. haha.. he kept looking at me.. so cute.. hehe..Dunno why i love baby so much... every time i see babies.. i feel very happy.. hehe
mmm.. recently.. feel so tired.. moodless.. so sick of everything.. wanna get out of here.. is time to let go...
I going to pick up myself and suddenly feel tat i am not ready for anything.. but my studies.. hope i can get in soon.. and give my all to it..
When come back.. need to plan out a congested time table.. involving.. physical training.. working.. have a pre-revision or research on the course i am going to study.. chilling with friends.. if possible i hope i can do volunteer work.. to help the needies...
Recently time is bad.. recession.. ppl are struggling with the life style in singapore.. only the determined will survived.. muz really be more careful in spending money...
I will come back to be a better man..
Posted by
10:20 AM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
can't wait!!!!
Recently.. been trying very hard at work.. mm... hope by working harder, my mess in the brain can get some rest.. divert my thinking.. i need to get up from where i fall and start to chiong again.. cos i want to be a better and happy man..
Went to kai Ying baby full month few days ago.. her baby so cute la.. hehehe.. nt easy ar.. to be a mother.. see her like tiring.. but can see that she is happy.. feed her baby with milk... hahaa.. she haven send me those pics lo.. piang.. i want lo.. so next post, i can post it out and can see me the "nai pa"... hahaha.. her relatives even thought i am the father!!! WTH!!!!! hahaha.. cos at tat moment the baby is not there.. her relative come in.. just say.."wa!! baby oei~~~ look at daddy ar..." Me and kai ying was like ??????? I was thinking.. is the daddy here??? i look around.. and found tat i am the only guy in the room.. and they tot i am the father!! hahaha!! They are so pai sei la.. actually i oso pai sei..haha........
next post will put the pics.. hahaha....
can't wait to ord!!! want to go tai wan!!! to haf great fun!!!
can't wait to studies!!! i miss schooling!!!
can't wait to get the degree!!! last mile of our education life!!!
can't wait to join police force!!!is my dream to become one!!! dunno am i eligible or not lei!!
can't wait to haf my own car!!! i sure modify the car untill like one freak!!!
can't wait to find someone tat really appreciate me!!! i want to love her like nobody love her before!!! "like very hard hor.. slowly find lo.." hahaha
haha.. sorry ar.. i like kid like tat.. write down all wishes here... and show to every one... but jus nothing better to do... write only lo.. hehe
mmm... free time.. muz really go study some marketing books le.. if not.. my brain sure rusty one.. hahaha..
I believe.. if the belief is inside u.. nothing can stop u.. nothing u can't achieve.. cos u belief u can do it... and u will do it.. of course actions muz be taken la!
Feel that this song is nice and meaningful.... though everyone heard before.. but i believe not everyone really digest the lyrics before.. is simple.. but is sad.. really sad... tat day jus really go and listen to it.. and my heart jus tears..
title: 我的心真的受伤了 by: jacky cheung
=) wan an.. sleep lo..
Posted by
10:44 PM
Thursday, February 05, 2009
During chi new year, went ot msia and sec sch friend houses, were very happy to see them and glad that we haf this kind of gathering.. at msia.. nothing special to me... as usual.. those places i need to go.. sianz..
jus some pics to share with u guys... hope in this new year.. everybody is healthy and happy!! huat ar! Chiong ar!
There are so many definition of love for everyone... What izzit about? that can live with u? stay with u? till the last breath? what exactly is about??? i oso dunno.. nobody knows but ur own heart will know.. how abt u guys?? but i tink is actually very simple.. is not complicated..
Today My friend smack my arm with the rifle accidentally.. luckily no blood... ... I didnt shout~~ My friend shouted! "are u ok!!!!" My face is like emotionless~~ and i say~~ "i dun feel it, can u shoot me??" Hahaha.. he think i siao liao.. haha.. scare him only.. act siao..
but i dun feel the arm pain at all...
Hope everyone will be happy... wonderful moments ahead of us!!
Posted by
10:46 PM
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
my brain now in a mess.. damn messy...
tons of emotion piling on me..
is just like a dream~~
is time to wake up le.. andy.. u jus haf a long and beautiful dream..
but why i tear... I dunno..
life goes on~~
Everything will be kept..
Posted by
8:40 PM
Thursday, January 29, 2009
This quiz really says my heart, my fear is to lose someone i love, family members, friends or girlfriend.. i just fear to lose any of them..
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Losing Someone You love affection and the people in your life more than anything. Your greatest fear is that one day someone you care about won't be there anymore. You are a very friendly and inviting person, who draws in a lot of friendships with your kind, considerate, and loyal nature. However, deep down you are slightly insecure and unsure of yourself. You couldn't deal with it if you didn't have one of your loved ones in your life anymore. You don't have too much to worry about though, because with a friend like you, no one will want to lose you either! | |
Being Alone | |
Where Your life is Going | |
Death | |
Looked down on | |
Commitment | |
Disappointment |
During chinese new year, i was in msia, but i do not feel any happy, cos i feel something is missing.. yup.. i miss her.. miss her everything..
Sometimes i really hate myself to have a fragile heart, cannot take criticism or comments, will think a lot or feel very hurt. If worse, the thing will even haunt me for life, i hate this feeling.. i want and need to learn to take criticism or comments positively... I like to talk about the past... but what past is past.. why i keep pestering about the past... I dunno why i mind so much about the past~~ I need to learn again.. what past is past dun ask or think about it le..
I stupid right? such a big man, but the heart like gal like tat~~~ haiz..
Posted by
9:10 AM